Thursday, December 30, 2010

A typical day not at the office

So, it's the day before New Year's Eve. My house is not in the best shape but not in the worst shape either. Our master bedroom is out of control. Additionally, my dad asked me for some help with a project that will force me to live up to his organizational standards and my best friend from high school is traveling a great distance.

I took my almost nine month old to daycare so that I could get some stuff done in this blessed day away from the office. I have so far had coffee at Panera while quickly scanning the January issue of O; hit up GFS for some items for New Year's Eve and for my homemade baby food project that did not exist; hit up Staples for some office supplies to get organized for my dad's project but decided I probably could reuse what I already have before investing in anything new ... I'm now home to clean up my "office" and master bedroom. The typical part of this day is that it's 11:30 a.m., and I haven't accomplished a single thing on my ever-expanding, ever-delayed list of things to do.

As I cleaned the top shelf of my bookshelf, I remembered that my big sis started a blog,, and I wanted to do something (can't remember what). A quick call to DD and I ended up starting this blog,, before tacking the second shelf. It's 11:30 on the dot and this is thus far my big accomplishment of the morning.

Now I'm off to tackle the O and the MB (with M bath, but I ain't touching the M closet today!). Wish me luck.

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